“OpenAI Makes Waves in Hollywood with Cutting-Edge Sora AI Video Technology”

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So, there’s this company called OpenAI, and they’re really shaking things up in Hollywood. They’ve got this cool new tech that can make videos just from text – like, you type in a description, and boom, a video pops out.

They’re going all out to get Hollywood on board with this. They’ve got meetings lined up with big movie studios, important folks in the media world, and even talent agencies in Los Angeles.

This new thing they’re working on, called Sora, is still hush-hush for most people, but they’re giving sneak peeks to some actors and directors.

And guess what? It’s got people buzzing, not just in Hollywood but also over in Silicon Valley.

But here’s the thing: while this tech is super exciting, some folks are worried about what it might mean for jobs in the entertainment industry. Like, will writers and actors lose out if computers can make videos too?

Unions are stepping in to make sure things are fair, and media companies are figuring out how they should get paid if their stuff is used to train these AI models.

And it’s not just OpenAI in the game. They’ve got competition from big shots like Meta Platforms Inc. and Google. Other startups are in on it too, like Runway AI Inc., which already has a similar service out there.

So, it’s a bit of a wild west in the world of AI and entertainment right now. But one thing’s for sure: talking about how to use this tech responsibly and making sure everyone’s on board will be key as it keeps on evolving.

Dienye Diri
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